It has been quite a while since I last wrote a blog post, but it is finally time for me to get back to the keyboard and start typing those fancy colorful lines of code. And I have a (in my opinion) huge announcement to make. I finally released my very first video game. Project Dementia has been in the works on and off for the last 3 months, and now it is finally time (link to download the game is at the bottom of this post). So what is Project Dementia? Well I'm glad you asked. It is a small platformer game I made during my first semester at Edinburgh College. It isn't anything revolutionary, but it isn't half bad either if you ask me. You won't exactly have an award winning experience playing, but it definitively is one of the games ever. Is it good? You decide (and please leave a comment for what can be improved, I might make a full version if some people are interested). Generally, not much has changed since the announcment post. No new mechanics, just more environm...